Meet the Team

  • Tim Gavriliuc


  • Nathan Gavriliuc


  • Beni Pomuti


  • David Mitrofan


  • Pavel Suhan


  • Jonathan Talpes


  • Abigail Parasca


  • Freddy Ghimboasa


  • Olivia Ababiy


  • Alena Ababiy


  • Sarah Parasca


Our Mission Statement

“As the GRBC youth committee, our mission is to serve God through everything we do. whether it be organizing summer camps, bake sales or youth programs. Through this, we aim to point the youth of our local church to the only truth in this life, the only reason to live, and the only way to eternal salvation Jesus Christ. We believe that He is the "way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). We believe that God the Father, because of. His love for the world, sent His Son to die for the sins of all individuals so that through faith, in His Son, they can inherit everlasting life (John 3:16) and be made sons of the Almighty God (Galatians 3:26).

Through different forms of sanctification (youth nights, Sunday school, and worship), edification (youth programs and bake sales for missions), and fellowship we pray that we can point our youth and also the people in the world to this life-giving Truth. We strive to stand as the light upon the hill to a dying world, mimicking the thoughts, actions, and mission of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the events and activities we organize are geared towards bringing the youth and outside participants closer to the truth found inside God's divine Word we encourage spiritual maturity to all of our youth and an overall closer, profound relationship with their Creator!”

-GRBC 2022-23 Youth Committee